How to be more eco-friendly? Check out these tips - Clear Givings Market

How to be more eco-friendly?

What do you mean by eco-friendly?

Eco-friendly refers to products or services that do not hurt the environment. This can include anything from recycling materials to using renewable energy sources.

Why is there a need to make sustainable decisions?

Eco-friendly living is essential because it helps to protect our environment. We can make a big difference in the world by making small changes in our daily lives. Eco-friendly living also has many personal benefits, such as saving money and improving our health.

Impact of eco-friendly materials on the environment.

Ecologically sound materials have a positive impact on the environment in many ways. For example, they can help to reduce pollution, conserve resources, and save energy. In addition, sustainable materials can often be recycled or reused, reducing their environmental impact.

Why every business/brand should move to be green, and eco-friendly?

There are many reasons why businesses and brands should be eco-friendly. Some of the top reasons include reducing their carbon footprint, saving money on energy costs, and connecting with consumers who are interested in eco-friendly products. Additionally, eco-friendly practices can help businesses and brands to stand out from their competitors.

How to be more eco-friendly and what are examples of eco-friendly?

Are you adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle? If yes, take a look at things you can do on :-

Turn off your electronics.

To reduce your carbon footprint, here's the best thing you can do: conserve energy. Leaving your electronics on standby only saves energy, which can also rack up quite a bit of cost in your bills. So by turning them off when not in use, you will see improvements in your energy consumption and costs.

Invest in eco-friendly technology

You can go beyond just turning off the TV when you’re not using it. Instead, invest in technology that is energy efficient. There are plenty of electronics on the market that are energy-efficient. These products usually use up much less energy, thus saving you money and reducing your home’s energy output.

Use sustainable energy

You can also make a significant change and switch to renewable energy instead. Many options are available nowadays, like installing solar panels in homes. It’s simple, hassle-free, and the cheapest power source compared to fossil fuels.

Eat less meat

Eco-friendliness is about being mindful of your consumption. And being aware and cutting down on what you eat can also have a considerable impact. For instance, the production and consumption of meat, and the livestock industry in general, contribute a lot to environmental damage. And, according to the Environmental Defense Fund, if every American had one meat-free meal per week, that would equate to taking over 5 million cars off our roads annually.


Food that gets thrown away contributes to CO2 produced in landfills. But if you have food already past its expiration date, be sure to compost it rather than throw it away in the trash. The benefits are plenty: you’re creating natural fertilizer, reducing waste in landfills, and there’s no build-up of methane gas.


If you’re switching to a sustainable lifestyle, chances are you’re already making steps into recycling. You can recycle almost everything, be it paper, batteries, or vehicles. So before you throw an item away, take a minute to see if you can recycle it first.

Use less plastic

Yes, plastic may be cheaper and more convenient. But giving up on using plastic isn’t as hard as you may think. For example, bring a canvas bag with you whenever you go shopping. Buy your food in bulk and use a reusable container. You can even buy loose fruits or vegetable instead of pre-packaged. And stop buying bottled water and bring a refillable water bottle with you.

Switch to LED light bulbs

Are you still using regular incandescent light bulbs? To be more environment-friendly, switch to LED light bulbs instead. Not only do they last longer, but they are more energy-efficient. As a result, you’ll be using less power, and you won’t have to change them often. Plus, there’s a good range available for brightness or design tailored to your needs.

Shop the local and sustainable alternative market.

Buying local is easier nowadays because plenty of online and offline shops offer various eco-friendly items. Whether it’s household items, food, or clothes, the closer to home these products are, the less carbon is produced in transporting them. And supporting the local economy is always a good thing.

Plant a tree

Though it’s become Earth Day's stereotypical symbol, planting trees can make a real difference if done right. There are an estimated 3 trillion trees on Earth at present, and scientists estimate an additional 1 trillion trees are needed to capture greenhouse gases and slow climate change. Organizations like Plant for the Planet, the UN, and the countries of China and Australia have bold ambitions to help plant more trees in deforested areas to slow global warming. It’s vital to grow the right kinds of trees, however.

Native trees that will be able to grow for the next few decades without the threat of being cut down for lumber or burned in wildfires are our best bet. If you plan on planting a few trees, research, and plant trees native to your area that will do best in your plant hardiness zone.

At Clear Givings Market, we have partnered with One Tree Planted. This means one tree is planted for every purchase made on our website!

Make smart decisions for updates that last.

The things in your life have a shelf life; some are shorter than others. Planned obsolescence usually applies to handheld electronics, but it can also apply to your furnishings, clothing, appliances, and everything else you buy. If you try to make purchases that last years—if not decades—you use fewer resources over time. LED light bulbs are a perfect example; they last anywhere from 15 to 25 years.

LEDs will also save you substantial energy on your lighting costs if you replace enough bulbs. Finally, consider the lifetime use of the things you buy when shopping. Short-lived fast fashion and flat-packed furniture you have every intention of getting rid of after a couple of years won’t last you, and you’re effectively losing money on these items once they inevitably fall apart. Instead, buy durable sustainable goods when possible, or even better, buy them secondhand to reduce the price point and give new life to items still in working order.


Those are just some changes you can make if you’re wondering how to be more environmentally conscious. And if you’re looking for an eco-friendly shop, look no further than Clear Givings Marketplace! You can find anything you need here. Browse our generous collections of environmentally-safe brands and products.


1 - What do sustainable products mean?

Sustainable products have a minimal impact on the environment throughout their life cycle. This includes how they are sourced, manufactured, used, and disposed of. Sustainable products are also designed to last longer, reducing their environmental impact.

2 - What are environmentally friendly practices?

There are a variety of environmentally friendly practices that companies can adopt to reduce their negative impact on the environment. These practices include recycling, reducing energy consumption, using sustainable materials, and reducing waste.

3 - Sustainability vs. eco friendly

The terms "sustainability" and "eco-friendly" are often used interchangeably, but they have different meanings. Sustainability refers to the ability of an activity to be maintained at a certain level over time, while eco-friendly relates to practices that have minimal impact on the environment.

4 - Home efficiency solution to move eco-friendly.

As people are achieving growth in their careers and earning more wealth, teaching them how to take care of the environment is essential. Home efficiency solutions allow you to move your home in an eco-friendly way. These solutions are designed to help you save money and energy while reducing environmental impact.

Home efficiency solutions help you to make your home more Eco-friendly. There are many ways to do this, including - Using energy-efficient appliances. - Install solar panels. - Use LED light bulbs. - Educate your family and friends about conserving energy.

What makes eco-friendly?

Earth-friendly or not damaging to the environment is what the term "eco-friendly" actually means. This phrase is most frequently used to describe items that support eco-friendly living or methods for saving resources like water and energy. Eco-friendly products also reduce their impact on contamination of the air, water, and land. By paying more attention to how you use resources, you can develop eco-friendly habits or behaviours.

Product Qualifications

Creating a truly eco-friendly product takes into account the safety of both the environment and people. The product is at the very least non-toxic. Utilizing sustainably grown or raised components produced in ways that do not harm the ecology is another characteristic of eco-friendly products. Natural insecticides and herbicides are not used in the cultivation of organic substances or materials. Glass, wood, metal, or plastic that has been recovered from garbage and transformed into new items is found in products marked "made from recycled resources." The natural breakdown process used by biodegradable items causes less stress on landfills and the ecology as a whole.

Practice Examples

You can follow eco-friendly behaviours to use less and maximise what you already have. Use a programmable thermostat to only heat or cool your home when it is occupied and turn off the lights in vacant rooms. In addition to larger initiatives like company-wide recycling programmes to conserve natural resources and employee telecommuting, which reduces air pollution and fuel consumption by reducing daily commutes to work, businesses can also use these practises.

How to take certification and become a business with sustainability?

Customers who prioritise social responsibility and the environment favour companies that share their beliefs. By obtaining a sustainable company certification, you can draw in these clients and maintain their loyalty due to your shared moral principles. Additionally, by implementing sustainable, "green" practises, you can save money to go toward developing other aspects of your company. Here are some top certifications to think about for your company, along with information on how to become a certified sustainable business.

Making environmental-friendly operations a priority will help you earn a certification as a sustainable firm. With green building certifications or green product labelling certificates, you can obtain multiple types of "green" certification. A business owner often invests in a programme that outlines a few green initiatives that must be finished or added to a project launch in order to receive a sustainable certification. Initiatives that evaluate energy efficiency, transportation, recycling, material reuse, lighting, and even paper usage are a few examples.

According to a Futerra survey, 88% of customers want brands to support them in leading more environmentally friendly lives. Additionally, according to IBM research, 84% of consumers who are looking for sustainable products value brand credibility that has been built through clear, verifiable sustainability practises.

Becoming a certified sustainable business has a wide range of benefits. Focusing on “going green” can save money, increase your customer base, and provide talking points for your business. There are several advantages to becoming a sustainable business. Focusing on "becoming green" can help your firm grow financially, attract more clients, and generate marketing material. Additionally, eco-programs can reinforce one another and make sure that they are deeply established into the business.

Top certified sustainable business certifications across industries -

1) ISO 14001 certification

A globally recognised standard known as ISO 14001 outlines the specifications for an environmental management system. Through more effective resource utilisation and waste reduction, it aids organisations in improving their environmental performance, giving them a competitive advantage and the confidence of stakeholders.


The most popular green building rating system in the world is LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). LEED offers a foundation for green buildings that are healthy, effective, and cost-effective and is accessible for almost all building types.

3) B-corp certification

"B Corp Certification" indicates that a company is adhering to strict performance, accountability, and transparency criteria in areas such as employee perks, charitable giving, supplier chain processes, and input materials.

4) Energy star certifications

Buildings that have earned the ENERGY STAR certification consume less energy, spend less money, and produce less greenhouse gas emissions than standard structures. A building must meet high energy performance standards established by the EPA in order to be certified as ENERGY STAR.

5) Leap bunny certification

Obtaining Leaping Bunny accreditation demonstrates to customers that companies are sincerely devoted to creating products that are not tested on animals and that these companies have established methods and policies that allow them to back up their promises of no animal testing.

6) Fitwell certification

The foremost certification program dedicated to improving health for all ® is called Fitwel. Fitwel is putting into practice a vision for a healthier future where all buildings and communities are improved to boost health and well-being. This vision was generated by expert analysis of 5,600+ academic research studies.


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