Best Eco Friendly Alternative to Plastic - Clear Givings Market

The best way to be sustainable in our current time is to cut down on plastic usage. Lets first understand more about plastic and its impact on environment.

What is plastic?

Plastics are a class of materials that may be moulded when soft and then hardened to maintain the desired shape. These materials can be manmade or naturally occurring. Polymers make up plastics. A substance comprised of several repeating units is called a polymer.

Natural, organic resources like cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt, and, of course, crude oil are used to make plastics. Before it can be utilized, crude oil must be treated since it is a complicated mixture of hundreds of components. In an oil refinery, the first step in making plastics is the distillation of crude oil.

Why say no to plastic waste?

Say no to plastic bags because they pose a threat to the environment because they contain non-renewable petrochemicals and take up to 1000 years to degrade. Therefore, plastic bags will persist for a longer time and harm Mother Nature.

Types of plastic

According to Plastic Oceans, there are seven types of plastic:

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PETE or PET), High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE), Polypropylene (PP), Polystyrene or Styrofoam (PS), and Miscellaneous plastics (includes: polycarbonate, polylactide, acrylic, acrylonitrile butadiene, styrene, fiberglass, and nylon).

What plastic can do to the environment?

Plastic sticks around in the environment for ages, threatening wildlife and spreading toxins. Plastic also contributes to global warming. Almost all plastics are made from chemicals that come from the production of planet-warming fuels (gas, oil and even coal).

Plastic waste is very harmful: listed here are the five ways that plastics harm the environment, birds and wildlife -- and even people.

1) Kills ocean life

Oceans receive plastic waste from rivers, shorelines, and vessels. All types of ocean life, including sea turtles, ocean birds, sharks, fish, and everything in between, are impacted by this plastic garbage. Animals ingest plastic they mistake for food, choke on plastic trash, become tangled or stuck in discarded nets or bottles, and many other things. The habitats in which these species are vitally important start to disappear as they do.

2) Effects terrestrial life

Plastic kills land animals, which further damages the ecology. Land animals, like their aquatic counterparts, have not adapted to cope with pollution. In many aspects, they tangle and choke in the same ways that marine species do. Once more, this has an impact on ecosystems, which depend on all members to survive, including top predators, bugs, and plants. Their population decline undermines and shrinks the ecosystem.

3) Production of chemical pollution

Pollution caused by plastic also hurts the ecosystem. Oil and gas are primarily used to make plastics. Hazardous compounds like benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, ozone, sulfur dioxide, and many others are produced during the mining of these nonrenewable resources.

A large portion of the world also burns plastic garbage because there is nowhere to keep plastics. This process releases hazardous substances into the atmosphere, endangering both people and the surrounding area. Inhaling burned plastics, that produce carbon dioxide, can even cause cancer.

Worst single-use plastics

Here are 10 of the worst single-use plastics. The best thing we can do for wildlife and the planet is ditch as many disposables as possible!

1) Plastic straws -

Plastic straws are lightweight, so when they are dropped or thrown away, they quickly blow into streams and end up in our oceans. They pose a serious threat to the marine species in our oceans once they are there. Plastic straws have occasionally become cruelly trapped in the nostrils of sea turtles. Since these straws can't be recycled, they wind up in landfills and incinerators, where they litter our streets, parks, and roadside vegetation, clog our gutters, and pollute our rivers, lakes, and streams, where they may linger for more than 200 years.

2) Plastic drink stirrers / plastic water bottles -

Cocktail stirrers are a delightful addition to drinks, however the most of them are made of plastic and are only used once before their novelty wears off and they are discarded. On our beaches and in our waters, they eventually end up in the rubbish. Additionally, they cannot be destroyed since burning causes harmful poisonous chemicals to form.

3) Helium balloons -

Birthdays and balloons have always gone hand in hand. They're such an easy way to bring colour and pleasure to a special day, but things are not so easy when it comes to a balloon's effect on the environment.

A balloon can travel thousands of miles before harming the ecology where it lands, according to a University of Michigan study. Birds and marine creatures, such fish and turtles, who may mistake the balloon trash for food and become tangled in the ribbons, are particularly vulnerable to harm from balloons. Burst balloons floating in the ocean are frequently mistaken for jellyfish by sea turtles and other marine creatures. After being consumed, the plastic may obstruct their digestive system, causing hunger.

Additionally, latex balloons cannot decompose, as noted in a study that was published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials. The study examined various balloon kinds in freshwater, saltwater, and industrial compost. The balloons did not significantly degrade over the course of the sixteen weeks, indicating that they would carry on to endanger the ecosystem.

4) Plastic cups -

Polystyrene (plastic) is used to make plastic party cups and plastic water bottles. In landfills and the ocean, each cup takes 450–1,000 years to decompose into microplastics. In a landfill, the decomposition of polystyrene releases hazardous chemicals into the earth. Styrene and benzene, the two major chemicals that come from polystyrene, can harm a person's nervous system as well as their liver and reproductive organs. These plastic cups are regrettably not recyclable, so they will either end up in a landfill or the ocean.

5) Plastic cutlery -

Plastic cutlery is frequently thrown away since it cannot be recycled. They frequently encounter wildlife in woodlands or areas of water. Scientists estimate that it takes about 200 years for plastic forks, knives, and spoons to disintegrate. And only bright sunlight makes this feasible. As the compounds dissolve over time, they damage plants, marine life, and animals by poisoning them. The only way to harm the entire food chain is to dispose of plastics improperly.

6) Plastic containers -

Single-use plastic containers and plastic water bottles are still widely used in supermarkets, neighbourhood coffee shops, and takeout establishments. Waste plastic dumped in landfills is the pollution caused by plastic packaging that is most evident. Since plastics are relatively stable, they persist in the environment for a very long period after being discarded, especially if they are buried in landfills where they are protected from the sun.

Here are some eco-friendly alternative solutions to plastic.

Stainless steel

There are plenty of stainless steel options for reusable storage. And they have multiplied in recent years. You can find stainless steel cups, lunch boxes, kitchen storage, and more. Plus, they are easy to clean and durable. Meaning you can reuse stainless steel items for years.


Glass may not be biodegradable

But it is cheap and infinitely recyclable. Nowadays, many food items come packaged in glass containers. And once you’ve emptied them, you can easily upcycle glass jars, for instance, into storage jars. And not just in the kitchen. You can use them anywhere in your home should you need extra storage. For example, you can store leftovers with them, or use them for homemade drinks. Or repurpose them as a homemade gift, with only a bit of decorating required.

Platinum silicone

This material is also one of the best eco-friendly alternatives. Platinum silicone is made primarily of sand and crafted into something flexible and durable. Furthermore, it’s a heat-tolerant material. So you can use it for baking, boiling, or cooking without it denaturing. However, if you’re looking for items made of platinum silicone, make sure that it contains no plastic fillers.

Beeswax-coated cloth

If you’re looking to replace your plastic food wraps, you can use beeswax-coated cloth or paper instead. These eco-friendly alternatives are gaining popularity because they are simple to use. Plus, they are easy to clean, and they smell great.

Natural fiber cloth

Many of us now use bags made from natural fiber cloth, like canvas bags, as a replacement for plastic bags. And aside from shopping bags, natural fiber cloth is also the primary material in many sustainable clothing pieces. These include wool, organic cotton, hemp, and bamboo. Plus, these materials won’t shed plastic fibers when you wash them. Moreover, recycled wool is also a versatile and compostable material used in children’s toys, containers, and more.


Wood is a popular eco-friendly alternative that is renewable and highly reusable. For example, wooden items can replace almost any plastic household item, such as cleaning brushes, kitchen utensils, and cutting boards. And the best choice would be wood from sustainably-managed forests.


Technically, bamboo is grass with woody materials, making it highly renewable because it’s a fast-growing plant. And you’re likely using bamboo utensils or drinking straws since they are popular eco-friendly alternatives. Plus, it’s lightweight, durable, and compostable.

Pottery and ceramics

We all can attest to how durable pottery and ceramics are since they can last for millennia. In addition, these items are an excellent waterproof alternative to plastic food containers and tableware. And for extra safety, make sure to look for ones with non-toxic glazes.


This eco-friendly alternative is also compostable if it’s not coated in plastic. Luckily, many companies now package their products in plain cardboard to cut their waste. And, of course, cardboard makes for a suitable replacement for plastic storage.

Conclusion -

By doing away with plastic, you not only reduce your own waste generation but also set an example for others on how to live more sustainably. Celebrate your accomplishments and share the word about the necessity of reexamining our daily routines and the expectations we have of the businesses we deal with. Companies will continue to respond to the growing demand for more environmentally friendly business practices, and the sooner the tremendous growth in plastics use is reversed, the better.

The issue of plastic pollution looms, and because to its magnitude and complexity, it frequently seems insurmountable. But it's crucial to understand that there are options for reducing our use of plastic, and there will undoubtedly be many more in the future.

Eco-friendly alternatives from Clear Givings Marketplace

One should always look for ethical sources or alternative options to plastic. Stop using plastics and embrace a sustainable lifestyle! Get eco-friendly alternatives from our wide range of environment-friendly products.

There are multiple products for men and women available at Clear Givings Market. Browse through our website today.

Important QnA

1 - What are the biodegradable alternatives to plastic bottles?

Here are some of the biodegradable alternatives to plastic bottles.

  1. Starch-based blends.
  2. Polylactic acid-based blends (PLA blends)
  3. Bioplastics made from thermo-plastically modified starch (TPS)
  4. Bioplastics made from PLA.
  5. Cellulose-based plastics.
  6. Biobased bioplastics (bioPE, bioPET)

2 - Is recycling plastic bad for the environment?

While often touted as a positive, environmentally friendly practice, plastic recycling can pose significant threats to human rights and the environment. Plastic products contain toxic chemical additives that can cause serious health problems.

3 - Is polypropylene environmentally friendly?

As a plastic product, polypropylene isn't completely sustainable, but it's an environmentally conscious option that offers a wide range of benefits over other materials. It is also a better choice than other plastics, since it doesn't release toxins, has a relatively low carbon footprint, and is safe for human health.

4 - What does environmentally friendly mean?

Being eco-friendly means being 'designed to have little or no damaging effect on the environment' 1. Basically, it's all about doing no harm. Products, events, and services that are eco-friendly don't harm the Earth.

5 - What are environmentally friendly plastic bags?

Environmentally-friendly plastic bags are a type of bag that is biodegradable and will break down generally in a few months in a compost bin, rather than over thousands of years in a landfill. They are often made from materials such as corn starch, which decompose much more easily.

6 - What is petrochemicals plastics industry? What are petrochemical products?

The petrochemical industry produces a wide variety of plastics from petroleum and natural gas. Petrochemicals are chemicals made from petroleum or natural gas. The most common petrochemical products are propane, ethylene, and benzene.

7 - Best plastic recycling method for plastic manufacturers.

There is no one "best" method of recycling plastic. Different methods may be better suited for different types of plastics or for different manufacturing processes. Some common methods of recycling plastic include extrusion, injection molding, and thermoforming.

8) Does eco-friendly plastic exist ? How do you make plastic eco-friendly?

Eco-friendly plastic does exist, but it is not commonly used because it is more expensive than regular plastic. To make plastic eco-friendly, brands can use recycled materials, renewable energy, and biodegradable materials.


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